Manual Download Cheat sheet VideosEnglishDeutsch
Current version
Windows: a157b_version_1.0.2_win.zip
macOS: a157b_version_1.0.2_mac.zip
Linux: a157b_version_1.0.2_linux.zip
No software has to be installed on the three operating systems. Simply download the file in the respective link, unzip it and start the program contained within. Please follow the installation instructions exactly. If you have any questions or issues, I would be happy to help: a157b@rusche.ch. And: Feedback is welcome!
Previous version
Windows: a157b_version_1.0.1_win.zip
macOS: a157b_version_1.0.1_mac.zip
Linux: a157b_version_1.0.1_linux.zip
Panels can be ordered with these files here or here:
Big and black: a157b-panel.zip
Small and gray: a157b-overlay.zip
With this tiny module a157b can also output MIDI; „MIDI in“ is not supported yet.
Panel: a157m-panel.zip
KiCad Project: a157m-kicad.zip
Gerber Files: a157m-gerber.zip
Christian Rusche, 2021